Isaiah 62:10, The Biblical Model for Effective & Enduring Leadership™ 4.7
In my opinion and interpretation, Isaiah 62:10 gives us an excellent Biblical model for Effective & Enduring Leadership™:
Pass through, pass through the gates! (Do the work!)
Prepare the way for the people. (Lead by example.)
Build up, build up the highway! (Create a vision.)
Remove the stones. (Build relationships.)
Raise a banner for the nations. (Encourage the people.)
Note: Bible commentaries seem to agree that Isaiah 62:10 provides instructions for leading the people (Israelite & gentile alike) into the promised land. E & E Leadership™ is based on serving the people in similar fashion (the ultimate goal is leading them into the promised land) teaching the leaders of our families, communities, churches, businesses, ministries, governments, and society in the ways of the Lord and leading them to know Christ and leave Godly legacies for the next generation.
“But the truth is, the best source of leadership teaching today is the same as it has been for thousands of years. If you want to learn leadership, go to the greatest Book on leadership ever written- the Bible.”15
For a clearer picture of Effective & Enduring Leadership, let's look at Isaiah 62:10 line by line:
Pass through, pass through the gates! (Do the work!):
This first line of Isaiah 62:10 may be referring to the gates of Heaven but some commentaries also believe it is referring to the gates of freedom from slavery and repression for the Israelites. They believe it was Moses' job to lead the Israelites out of slavery and through the gates of freedom to the promised land. Likewise, it is the responsibility of E & E Leaders™ to guide their people in their daily walk with Christ, leading them to do great work for the Lord, and ultimately to the promised land of Heaven. Isaiah 60:9 & 11 says, “Blessed be his name, the gates of Zion are ever open to returning sinners.” “Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night,” (referring to the gates of Zion or Heaven). Psalm 118:19-20 talks about the righteous entering the gates of Heaven, “Open for me the gates of the righteous; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter.” As long as there is breath in our bodies, there is ...
(this chapter is continued in the book, please get a copy)
Pass through, pass through the gates! (Do the work!)
Prepare the way for the people. (Lead by example.)
Build up, build up the highway! (Create a vision.)
Remove the stones. (Build relationships.)
Raise a banner for the nations. (Encourage the people.)
Note: Bible commentaries seem to agree that Isaiah 62:10 provides instructions for leading the people (Israelite & gentile alike) into the promised land. E & E Leadership™ is based on serving the people in similar fashion (the ultimate goal is leading them into the promised land) teaching the leaders of our families, communities, churches, businesses, ministries, governments, and society in the ways of the Lord and leading them to know Christ and leave Godly legacies for the next generation.
“But the truth is, the best source of leadership teaching today is the same as it has been for thousands of years. If you want to learn leadership, go to the greatest Book on leadership ever written- the Bible.”15
For a clearer picture of Effective & Enduring Leadership, let's look at Isaiah 62:10 line by line:
Pass through, pass through the gates! (Do the work!):
This first line of Isaiah 62:10 may be referring to the gates of Heaven but some commentaries also believe it is referring to the gates of freedom from slavery and repression for the Israelites. They believe it was Moses' job to lead the Israelites out of slavery and through the gates of freedom to the promised land. Likewise, it is the responsibility of E & E Leaders™ to guide their people in their daily walk with Christ, leading them to do great work for the Lord, and ultimately to the promised land of Heaven. Isaiah 60:9 & 11 says, “Blessed be his name, the gates of Zion are ever open to returning sinners.” “Your gates will always stand open, they will never be shut, day or night,” (referring to the gates of Zion or Heaven). Psalm 118:19-20 talks about the righteous entering the gates of Heaven, “Open for me the gates of the righteous; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may enter.” As long as there is breath in our bodies, there is ...
(this chapter is continued in the book, please get a copy)