Speaking Opportunities
Mr. Bianchi is available to speak to your company, office, congregation, school, Bible Study, or other Christian group on the topics below from his book on Effective & Enduring Leadership. Presentations can run from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
Maximum Self-Improvement
How to Skip the Tribulation
What is True Greatness
Do the Right Thing
Is the Bible Real, Accurate, & True
Live Intentionally
Seek Greatness
The Law of Looking Good™
What do Football, Golf, & Fishing have to do with
Effective & Enduring Leadership
What Jesus Expects
Equipping Christians
When Do We Become Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Do What You Know
Transparency, Family Tragedy, Lessons in
Effective & Enduring Leadership, Visions of Greatness,
and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
Jews, Mormons, & Filipinos
I'm Calling Out Christians
What is Man's Real Missing Link
The Common Thread of Effective & Enduring Leaders
Those Stupid Rocks, Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
How Do we Become Great
What is Servant Leadership & Who Do We Serve
Going Beyond Servant Leadership
Moving Forward with Effective & Enduring Leadership
The Biblical Model for Effective & Enduring Leadership
Why Do We Need Effective & Enduring Leaders
The Greatest Heroes & Practically Speaking
Intelligence vs. Application, Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
Isaiah 62:10; Pass Through the Gates
Isaiah 62:10; Prepare the Way for the People
Isaiah 62:10; Build Up, Build Up the Highway
Isaiah 62:10; Remove the Stones
Isaiah 62:10; Raise a Banner for the Nations
Schlitz, Jim Beam, & Strawberry Wine,
Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
The Ten Commandments and Effective & Enduring Leadership
Commandments 1,2, & 3 and Effective & Enduring Leadership
Commandments 4, 5, & 6 and Effective & Enduring Leadership
Commandments 7, 8, 9, & 10 and Effective & Enduring Leadership
I Was Lost, Shame & Guilt, Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
The Lord's Prayer and Effective & Enduring Leadership
"Our father, in heaven ..."
The Lord's Prayer and Effective & Enduring Leadership
"... hallowed be your name, thy kingdom come,
thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven, ..."
The Lord's Prayer and Effective & Enduring Leadership
"Give us today our daily bread, And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors."
The Lord's Prayer and Effective & Enduring Leadership
"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
"For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen"
Effective & Enduring Leadership and Prayer
I Didn't Know What I was Doing, Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
Visions of Greatness I
It's Not About You
How Do We Glorify God
Where is Your Home
Begin With God
Where Do We Find Our Purpose
What is Most Important
Why Should We Live Purpose Driven Lives &
What is the Bottom Line of What We are Here On Earth For
Predestination & Free Will
Mafia Encounters, Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables
Why Worship is Important
Exalt God Only
Worship as a Spiritual Event
Living Life to Worship God
Prayer Worship
I Let My Mom Down, Lessons in Effective & Enduring Leadership,
Visions of Greatness, and Effective & Enduring Leadership Actionables